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Site last updated 09/15/2005

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The Hard Rock Club and Garage has become Club Soleil, so please click the link above to view the most current and up-to-date pictures, news and info!

Below you will find pictures from the start to the finish of the construction on the Garage. Plus pictures of people hanging out at the Hard Rock Club, before we closed our doors.

Happy New Year 2004!

Now don't let this scare you, but if you happen to consume too much alcohol while partying at the Hard Rock Club, you may end up looking something like this. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

This has been a test, of the emergency broadcast network.

Never let your parents into your bar, because they could end up signing the walls. LOL. Hi MOM!

Ocifer! I sweeer I dind't drank enyfang! It was him ovfer fhere!

The official HRC Garage t-shirt. (It really does exist. Not just a computerized handywork.)

...Love All, Serve All!

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