Site last updated 09/15/2005 people have visited my web site! Wow! That's A Lot! Thanks to everyone! | Welcome to my personal web site. My space for you, by me. It's designed for you to learn everything about me, my happenings and my friends. To find out what I'm up to, and the latest news on what's up, visit my blog. I will also keep it updated with info. on certain events that I'm involved with, in one way or another. So be sure to to take a look at my blog. Here at my site, you can find my latest information, pictures of my friends, and my latest interior design projects. I'm 23 years old, and go to Antonelli College in Cincinnati for interior design. I live in northern Kentucky with my dog, Sasha. If you're here looking for the Results May Vary web site, please click on the Results May Vary logo on the left of your screen. If you want to, you can let me know what you think about my web site by e-mailing me at, allen@allenwatts.net. To navigate throughout my site, please use the links below and to the left side of your screen. Please sign my web site below. It's entertaining, and exciting! The guest book has been temporarily removed. You can however sign my web site. These will not be posted at this time. You can do this below, or at the bottom of every page. |