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Site last updated 09/15/2005

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Pictures of some of my friends. If you're not on here, just ask.

This is Travis.

There's Stevo!

That's Mark and Chad. We were eating lunch on Lake Erie.

And Brent, same thing as above.

This is Josh. He's the show director at Masque in Dayton.

Bernie.....hmmmm what can I possible say about Bernie? DRAMA! LOL. This was at my 2005 4th of July Pool Party, and the Quality Window Tinting, Fireworks Spectacular After Dark!

Andy, sticking his tongue out. This was at my 2005 4th of July Pool Party, and the Quality Window Tinting, Fireworks Spectacular After Dark!

My Mother, what's up with the tongues? This too was at my 2005 4th of July Pool Party, and the Quality Window Tinting, Fireworks Spectacular After Dark!

Below we find the infamous JOEY NICHOLSON. You see his name in lots of my e-mails, as well as my blog frequently. Now here he is, in not one, but three, not so flattering photos. Sorry Joe, maybe if you'd actually let me get a good picture of you I wouldn't have to use these. Oh, and what's with you flipping me off so much Joe?

This was at my 2005 4th of July Pool Party, and the Quality Window Tinting, Fireworks Spectacular After Dark!

This is in front of Jacob's Bar.

This is on the patio of Jacob's Bar. That's me in blue.

Zak. This too was at my 2005 4th of July Pool Party, and the Quality Window Tinting, Fireworks Spectacular After Dark!

Gerri, on the patio of Jacob's Bar.

There's Mandy, "Goddess of the Grill!"

Mandy again, being the life of the party, and center of attention! LOL.

Heather and Nikki. They are my ex lesbians. LOL. We all lived in the same apartment building in Cincinnati. I met Nikki at school in public speaking, and she kept talking about her great apartment. Then I moved in! Now they're in California, and I miss them. I moved 2 days after they did, and then Brent followed shortly there after. In this picture, we were at the taste of Cincinnati right outside our apartment building. That weekend was ruff and loud!

 Frances! She's returned! She's among us still! YEY!

That's Mykey.

It's Andy, my "weird" friend. : D

A more recent picture of Brent.

That's Brandie.

Brandie and Aimee at Hard Rock Louisville. That's AHHHMEE as in open your mouth and say AHH. LOL.

Stevo and me at Hard Rock Louisville.

Amanda from Louisville.

Oops, she fell off Brandie's bed, drunk.

WTF Brandie? She's looking like a drag queen gone bad here.

That's Lynett, I go to school with her. She wasn't expecting this picture, so I had to put it on my site.

Zak, my friend. He was my crew member at Burger King back in the day.

Violet. She used to be my boss at BK, then I became her boss. LOL.

Wow that's a bit racy for my site. HEHE. Kidding Violet.

My friend, Alin. He spells his name wrong. Everyone knows it's spelled Allen. And damn the irony. It says no roller blading and look what he has on. No roller blading in my house Alin. Sorry.

There's Jeannie, she'll kill me if she knew I posted this picture. It's horrible. HAHA!

That's Marcus. BAD PICTURE OF HIM.

Stu and Karen, known them since High School.

Andy, the nurse, and all around weird guy. But I like him.

Bernie, the drama queen. He prides himself in being surrounded by drama everywhere he goes, and making sure everyone him is involved too. LOL. He'll say otherwise. Kidding Bernie.

This is an old picture of Brent, his cousin Amanda and me at Lake Erie, in Erie, PA.

See, total drama queen Bernie had to have his picture taken at the rainbow light pole in Chicago. Ok, so actually we went there, saw it, and dared Tim there to stand in front of it for a picture. Now I have blackmail on Tim. LOL. Sorry Tim.

Brent in Niagara Falls, Canada, eh.

Bad picture, I know, but hey, I couldn't pass up sitting with the Lego man at the Lego Store in Chicago. Brent decided to sit in on this one too.

Ok, now that just takes it too far Bernie. See, total DRAMA QUEEN!

My old apartment! Really, really old apartment. The first one I ever lived in to be exact.

Me in the old apartment from above.

Me, March 2, 2002, in my old bedroom at my parent's house.

Brent. We live together.

Frances. No clue where she went to?

Brandie- My weird little friend from high school, who now keeps in touch and we hang out and go places. Look for her apartment design soon on my Results May Vary portfolio. She's in Louisville now.

Greg- My old buddy from high school.

Um, so since I wasn't sure what the heck this picture was, I put it on here. I know it's Jeannie and me. LOL.

Brent and Sasha. Sasha is our dog! Awe.

This is Brent trying to cover his shirtless body. Jeannie took the picture, he was probably drunk, I just can't remember.

Awe, how cute. (Jeannie and Brent, in love? I doubt it.)

?¿?Um, ok?¿? WTF?

Mark being FREAKY!

April, um...April. (OMG! Is that like a really big Kroger store? That's an inside thing, she'll know what I'm talking about.)

My family some Christmas's ago in my first Apt. From top left over and down left to right- Arnold, Faye (sister), Amanda (niece), her fiancé (I forget his name right now), my dad Roger, mom Shari, Charli (niece), Holly (niece) and Ashley (niece).

Jessica, my friend from high school. Haven't seen her in awhile. I know she got married or something.

This is Eric.

Thomas - My old friend. Haven't heard from him in years.

This is Kim getting ready to cut Brent's hair. She is my stylist at Regis Hairstylists.

This is Mark, mine and Brent's friend from PA, and myself standing at Newport on the Levee with Cincinnati in the background.

Brent and Mark in the Chandelier room at the Newport Aquarium. He hates the aquarium.

Sharks all around in the Shark Tunnel at the Newport Aquarium.

Mark in a bubble, inside a fish tank at the Newport Aqurium. "Help, I'm in a bubble and I can't get out."

Opal, 'the sober drunk,' and Terry. BTW Opal isn't a male, or a female. She's an Opal. LOL.

Rachele. Haven't heard from her lately either. 

Brent, wearing my Halloween costume wig. Isn't that cute? BUT IT'S WRONG!!!

Brent, and Rachele, carving Brent's pumpkin for Halloween, long, long ago.

My pumpkin. Oops, it had too much to drink.

Follow the yellow brick road, it's Jeannie with Dorothy. (I was Dorothy for Halloween long, long ago.)

Again, 'The Sober Drunk,' Opal.

Brent and Jeannie eating at Rally's. Hey, "You gotta eat."


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