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Site last updated 09/15/2005

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For those of you that don't know what a blog is, like me when I started this thing, here is the definition.
Main Entry:   blog
Part of Speech:   noun
Definition:   an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called Weblog, Web log
Example:   Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author.
Etymology:   shortened form of Weblog
Usage:   blog, blogged, blogging v, blogger n

This thing should also be called Allen's bitch fest at times. I vent my frustrations frequently, and putting them for everyone to see makes me feel better.

If a particular entry has private comments added, please contact me for access to that page. This will be granted only to select people, not everyone. Remember, these will be my more private thoughts, and I don't want just everyone being able to view them.

-September 29, 2005- Wow, haven't done this in awhile. Sorry, been worried about more important things lately I guess.

So in a nut shell, Joe is back at Purgatory, things are going pretty well as far as I can tell, but who am I? LOL.

I'm back in school now. Started on Monday this week. I'm loving it. Being back in school means I will no longer have time for petty bull shit. Now I will have time only to myself for the most part. I won't be tempted to stick my nose where it doesn't belong much anymore. YAY! Allen will stay outta trouble. LOL.

Results May Vary is now a vending business, in addition to all other things we do. I was told by my mother at work to find a new vending company for the break room. Well, none will vend for us, cause our place is too small. So I decided to buy my own equipment. This is very hush hush on the Results May Vary site, so you won't read anything about it on there. Anyway, I got a snack machine from eBay and drove for over ten hours there and back to pick it up. I swore I wouldn't drive more than 100 miles for a soda machine. Well guess what, the soda machine is coming from L.A. LOL. Yeah, that's really less than 100 miles. LOL. But good news, Appleton has a distribution center there too, so Eric the D.C. manager said he'd pick up the machine for us, put it on a semi going to West Carrolton, Ohio with a sign that forwards it to us down at the Kentucky D.C. LOL. So the Results May Vary Vending Company is born. We're just waiting for our soda machine lol. He says it'll ship out sometime Monday.

So there it is. That's about it. Nothing more that I can think of. Just been crazy busy with this or that lately. I'll try to keep up better on this thing, I just don't put that much effort into anymore. Sorry. But keep checking back.

-September 12, 2005- Ok, long time, no update. Sorry, been a bit busy, and had some troubles with my Windozs. So where do I start? LOL. I'll start with Saturday. I went to dinner with everyone from work, and my Mom's boss. We went to Outback Steakhouse. I needed ketchup, I shook the ketchup like everyone does, everything was normal until I opened the bottle. POOOOMFFFF. The ketchup exploded all over me, my mom, Sean, both Bobs and of course my Mom's boss. OMG! I was freaking out. Didn't know what the heck had happened. All I knew is that I was covered in ketchup all over, and everyone else I mentioned above was wiping it off themselves as well. I was scared. The people at the restaurant were not shocked. They were like, "oh that happens." WHAT!? No it doesn't. But I got a free shirt, and they offered dry cleaning. As if I'm going to have a t-shirt dry cleaned LOL. Anyway, it was freaky. We went to Newport on the Levee after that. Nothing more exciting after that.

So I gave my company a new logo today. Every portion of it has the same logo now. Just if it's entertainment, it says entertainment, if it interior design, it says interior design, and if it's the general business logo, it just says results may vary. Exciting. Not.

So there's another reason I haven't updated the blog lately. My life has been uneventful and boring lately. WTF? What's going on? LOL.

-September 4, 2005- Well, I'm 23 now. September 3, 1982 was a day the world was changed, and will never be the same again. That's because I was born. LOL. Anyway...tonight I went to the Dock. They let me in free cause of the birthday. Thanks guys. Had some drinks. Joe drove me there, don't worry, wasn't driving drunk....Grandma.... LOL. Didn't even get drunk. By the time I got buzzed they stopped serving drinks. Oh well. Ran into lots of people there tonight. Good people that I like, some old friends, and others. No drama, no complaints.

Gerri bought me a cake. I don't eat cake. LOL. But I ate some anyway. People....why is it that we have cake on birthdays? It took my parents 17 years to stop buying me birthday cakes. They figured out that I would eat cheese cake, so they started buying me those instead. This year...they got me and ice cream cake with whipped cream icing. That wasn't too bad, though I also hate whipped cream. It's really the icing on the cakes that gets to me. I hate it. It contains, 4 cups of powdered sugar, 1/2 a cup of Crisco, 1 stick of butter/salted, 2 table spoons of milk and a 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla. EEWWWW can you say grease and sugar? Anyway...I'm also not a big sweets eater. Never have been. But thank you Gerri, I appreciated it very much that was extremely sweet of you. How was she to know that I'm just not a cake eater? So we shared the cake with whoever we could force to eat it, which was no one who had been drinking. One of the bar tenders after hours ate some, James at the front door, and the guy at the front door that takes your money away from you. That's all we could get to eat it. So now I have cake to eat, or share with whoever comes to my house in the next day or two. LOL.

After the Dock, we went to Anchor Grill. Carol, she's great. She's always on top of things with our drinks. Sees us walk in, and automatically brings Joe a coffee and creamers, and me a Coke. GO CAROL! Well, anyway I told her it was my birthday, and when we finished eating...what did she bring me? CAKE! LOL. OMG!!!!! But it should be's chocolate cake with chocolate icing on it. Looks like homemade, grandma type cake. So it should be ok. I'll save it until tomorrow at work.

Before the bar I went to Grandma and Papa's house, where my mother brought dinner over. Brent and Andy came too. And my Uncle Jim. I blew Grandma's amp when I tried hooking up her audio components in the family room. They just moved into that house. That's the third amp I've killed since July. Two went on July 3. We almost had no music at my party that day hehe. I don't have a clue what's up with me and audio stuff, so I asked Joe to come hook it all up. He's good at that type of thing. GO JOE!

So that was my day. Pleasant day, pleasant night, no complaints or regrets! Thanks to everyone!

-August 31, 2005- Hello. Tonight Joe and I went out. It was fun we were supposed to go to Purgatory and Jacob's Bar, however, Joe was afraid to go to Purgatory because his gut instinct told him not to. So we went to Shooters instead. John is great there. He's the bar tender! HEY JOHN! Anyway, Shooters is cool. Joe wanted to just stay there 'til close...but for some reason I decided we needed to go to Jacob's. Nothing happening there really. Hello Dawn. Dawn was one of the bar tenders at Jacobs. Basically it was a good night. I have nothing to bitch about. So that's always a bonus. Well actually I do. McDonalds down the hill from my house...YOUR FRIES SUCKED TONIGHT. They were most certainly re-fried fries. I know what that tastes like, cause I used to do that at Burger King as a manager when we were about to close. So don't do that McDonalds people. It's gross!!! Ok.

I would like to thank Kyle for pointing out to me that my TV viewing section is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY out of date. He didn't even mean to point it out. That's the funniest part of it all, but it is. So I will be updating that ASAP. Thanks again Kyle.

So I'm thinking of adding a new feature to my blog. A field where you can reply to my blog entries. Would anyone be interested? Please e-mail me if you are.

CONGRATULATIONS TO BRENT ON THE NEW CAR. It's the first car he's gotten on his own. No co-signer, nothing. Good job Brent. Goodnight everyone. Thanks for reading my blog!

-August 29-30- Nothing added

-August 28, 2005- WOW! I went to the dock tonight. I actually had a really good time. First time that's happened in months. Thanks Zak for going with me. Hope you enjoyed yourself. Welcome back Mykey. Hope you're feeling better now. Mykey was gone all week. It's been sad without him there.

I avoided drama before it could start tonight by saying hello, loudly to Steve when I saw him. He tried to avoid me at first, but I made sure he was listening. He seemed happy, so I guess I was happy with that, and went on to the rest of my drama free night! Basically that's all I have to say. Wow, no bitch fest tonight. That's amazing.

Gerri is this really great lady that I met through Joe awhile back. She does Tarot readings at the Dock frequently, and at other places around town. When you see her out and about doing the Tarot, get a reading! She takes donations for it, so treat her nicely. There's pictures of Gerri on my pictures page.

So since I have nothing to bitch about tonight, I'll just say hello to people....Hello; Gerri, James, Mykey, Joe, Brent, Zak, April, Mother, Father, Grandma & Grandpa, and anyone else I'm forgetting. LOL. YAY!

-August 27, 2005- DRAMA. Why is it that a normal, drama free, good Friday could turn so horribly wrong? I was at the dock. Hanging out with Bernie and Josh. I was actually enjoying myself. And as we all know, that's really unusual for me on a Friday night. Well, things suddenly took a turn for the worse as Steve and Larry came walking in. So, attempting to be nice, I went over and said hi to Steve. He gave me that look. You know, the leave me the fuck alone, because I hate you mother fucker look? So I just kept on walking. I went over to Josh and I see Steve pointing and looking at me. I assumed he was talking about me. I mentioned this to Josh, who immediately went over to him. I go up front to talk to James...James is the front door guy at the dock. I like James. Good guy. Anyway, I get this text from Steve saying "Hey, not talking about you." I replied with it looked that way or something like that. So I go back to the back again to talk to Josh. Steve walked away as I was walking up and Josh was being a total bitch to me.

I left. I was done. I hate people that act that way. If you can't be my friend, then don't act like you are. That hurts worse than if you would just ignore me and go on with your life.

Anyway, I get home and Steve sends me the voice mail message being all rude and yelling at me. That was messed up. But that's ok, I'm moving forward with my life.

Thank you James for listening to me, whenever I come to you and bitch. I appreciate that. In the words of Joe, "I'm not bitter, I'm just amazed."

-August 26, 2005- So tonight my friend Brent and I went "bar hopping." We started out at Shooters, which was ok. Then we headed over to Goth night at the Dock. Yay...... It was less than inspiring, but I found out that the people of the Dock actually read my blog! Hey everyone from the Dock. Could someone please tell Rocky he gave me the wrong e-mail address or something, and have him send it to me? Finally we went up to Jacob's Bar to see if Thursdays are any better than they used to be when Joe was spinning there. NOPE. They are even more worse off now than they ever were. And WTF? Where did Tom go? Oh well. We met a few nice people there. Hello to people from Jacobs. I would go into detail about Jacob's, but for obvious reasons, I can't. Just e-mail me if you want to know. Let's just say that the music there was less than uplifting. It was like 70's sounding slow stuff. I wanted to just fall asleep. However, the bar tender there, I'm pretty sure his name was Derrick, was the first bartender in Cincinnati to make me a shot that tasted as close to Erie, PA's Swedish Fish shots. GO HIM! Anyway, it was basically a wasted night, but that's alright. I met some new people, and learned some interesting things, so all in all, I guess it wasn't totally wasted....just some what wasted. LOL.

On our way back to my house we decided to stop at Burger King in Covington. OMG! First the lady at the drive through could not get our order taken right. Then I get to the window and see that it was the friggin' manager, and she's cussing up a storm with the window open. HELLO? YOU CAN'T DO THAT YOU STUPID WOMAN! Second, they forgot to give me my drink, and I had to wait forever for it. Finally I get home, and I ordered a Whopper with cheese, I got a Whopper Jr. with cheese. I was less than happy, and quite disappointed. And in true BK fashion, I got no receipt, so it wouldn't even be worth my time to call and complain. Crappy BK, and they wonder why I would never work there when I was a manager.

-August 25, 2005- Nothing added

-August 24, 2005- Yay! I'm now the local representative in Cincinnati for the national Get Over It Day 2006! This is exciting because it means that I will make money, and all I have to do is get a few places to sponsor it, and be the official party places. And that's won't be hard to do! I'm very excited. As I know people in and around the city that I'm almost 100% sure will be willing to do this. For more info on Get Over It Day visit! If you're a local business and would be interested in being part of this huge national "holiday" lol, please get a hold of me, I'll get you the application, and all the info. More info will be put here in my blog, as it becomes available!

Oh God, here I go again. LOL.

I went out last night with Joe. We went to Purgatory, drove by the dock, and then on up to Jacobs. Purgatory had like 30 people in it, which is very  sad. Whenever Joe worked there the place would almost always get pretty packed. We were actually able to find a table to sit at which was all but impossible back when. We had our choice of almost all of them in the place last night. The Dock had like 10 cars in the parking lot. Mykey, the assistant manager told me he was home sick in bed, so that could have been some of the reason. Otherwise, just no one really cares about the drag queens that much, I don't know? But in any event, that place was friggin' dead as could be. Finally we drove up to Jacob's Bar. It was busier than the other two places by far, and that's even at 2:08 am, when last call is at 2. Good times.

At Purgatory, there's this ass hole DJ, Round ass, or excuse me, "round boy" as he calls himself. I don't know what he was trying to prove, but the whole time Joe and I were there he kept announcing things like, "Oh look, the Donatos delivery guy is here, so if you ordered Donatos tonight, your food is in the back." He was quoting things from Joe's e-mails about Purgatory. And at one point, as we were getting ready to leave he threw out the oddest thing of all, "Did you know there are 100 pepperonis on every large Donatos pizza?" Was that in insult, or a putdown? If so WTF? Couldn't you come up with anything better than that lard ass? Basically all his comments left Purgatory's patrons last night bewildered and and confused, as they had absolutely no clue what was going on. Joe works at Donatos Pizza as a delivery guy during the day.

See, Joe had the perfect dj slot at Purgatory, and round ass came in and stole it away from him. He only plays cliché 80's stuff. Like the stuff you hear all day on Mix 94.1 or something. You know, Madonna...... Dude, if we wanted to hear that stuff all night, we would turn on our radios and listen to local 40 year old women stations like Mix or Q102. Joe likes to play different types of music, with a harder, more harsh and unique sound usually. Joe is creative, and more of an artist, where bubble ass is more, a no talent ass monkey? My suggestion to the closet case, crack head, GET OVER IT, and face the fact that you suck, and Joe is just better than you! And next time you want to throw out putdowns to Joe, or to anyone else, come up with something that might actually hurt someone. THE END.

So now that I've got all that out of the way, I would like to talk about my allergy shots. Can you say OUCH? I have been getting six shots a week in my left arm for the last several months, so that one day I will no longer have seasonal allergies. Over these last few months I've learned who the good nurses are, and who the ones that suck are. There's this one, when she gives me the shots, I don't feel a thing. Why can't I get her more often? Then there's this other one, and when I see her coming with the needles, I just know I'm going to have a huge bruise on my arm for the next two or three weeks. That sucks. My arm is starting to look like a pin cushion, and bruised up mess. That sucks. But hey! It's all for my future well being right?

-August 22-23- Nothing added

-August 21, 2005- Again, it's Saturday. Why I subject myself to such places as the Dock I will never understand. It is a horrible place filled with drama, and shady characters. I feel very sad every time I leave that place. Although, many of my friends go there, and some even work there. So at least others can share in my pain. LOL. Tonight was apparently the people from my past night. They all seemed to be there. One as usual was all sweet and kind...."Oh how are you, is everything ok?" Then the other, well we won't discuss that right now lets just say I'm still trying to forget why I'm so angry. And then there was the last one. DRUNK is all I have to say there. Names do not need to be shared.

Basically it's the same old same old. Another Saturday night, wasted on drama, and drunks, and me going home amazed at what I've witnessed and feeling hopelessly lost in a city that is full of dead ends, and nothingness, back stabbing, and lies. I so badly want to leave it all behind, but I can't. I have to finish school. I wish there was a way to just get it over with tomorrow. But it keeps dragging on and on and on. That's mostly my fault. I need to just go, and stay going. No more, oh I'm taking this quarter off, or oh, I think I'll drop that class. Just go, and get it over with. The sooner I do that, the sooner I can get out of here. Others know what I'm talking about, and want the same thing. (Joe) But it's like this city has this locked door on it, and you can only leave for short periods of time, but you always have to return. Everything I know is here. Even my family is here. It will be sad to leave them behind, but I'll come visit, and have them visit me, because one day I will break free, and unlock that door. I will move on to a better and happier place where I can live my life without the gloom of Cincinnati over my head. I will leave the key behind too, for anyone who wants it. So that one day, they too can break free of the evil grip of Cincinnasty and move on to what will hopefully be a much happier place for everyone?

-August 18-20- Nothing added

-August 17, 2005- It finally came! I got my iPod mini the other day. I've been working on getting all of my incompatible Napster files on it. I have to burn them to cd, then pull them off the cd into iTunes and then give them titles and artist names all over. It's a big pain in the ass, but I'm making it through it. Just note, if you use Napster, DON'T GET AN iPod! LOL. Although the iPod is extremely cool! 

As far as the Dock thing goes, I'm not updating that. It's over. If you're on my mailing list, you saw what all happened. If not, well you should be on my mailing list, cause then you won't miss out on that sort of thing will you?

As far as it goes, please send an e-mail to letting them know how disappointed you are that they are no longer having Joe there. We want to bombard their in box with messages of displeasure. So go ahead, e-mail them, e-mail them a lot, and don't hesitate! The more e-mails they get, the happier Joe will be! I don't care if you've never been, or if you never will go to the Dock. Just send the e-mail for me, and send it to me as well, so I can share with Joe, how many people are e-mailing the dock. These e-mails will go to the Dock's manager, not to Mykey. Originally I had sent out e-mails to Mykey, and unfortunately, it pissed him off, because it was not his decision. I should have researched more before I yelled at him. To Mykey, I am again extremely sorry, please forgive me for being rude.

I added a new feature to my web site. The signature form. It works similar to my old guest book, only much easier, less to fill out, and faster to use! Just sign your name, and e-mail address every time you come to my web site please! This way I can keep track of who visits, and how often! Don't worry, the e-mail addresses for my personal use only. If you put your e-mail address in, you simply get a response from me! So go ahead! Sign my web site! Mark it private if you don't want it shared with anyone else. The signature that is. Not the e-mail address.

-August 16 2005- Nothing added

-August 15, 2005- I sent out an e-mail telling everyone to look here for info on Joe and the dock....but I meant to add it to the blog beforehand. I'll get it added later today. I need to get with Joe first on more details. Then I'll fill ya in!

-August 14, 2005- I'm fed up with the Cincinnati area. It seems like people here are only your friends when it's convenient for them. They're your friend one day, and the next day they're talking about you, and how horrible you are. What's up with that? My advice to people is to just get over yourself, and live your life. If you don't like someone, don't pretend to. Just don't be their friend. A friendly hello is all you need to give. Don't be all...OMG you're my friend and I like you. Just say hello and go on with your day. I even find myself falling into the same routine at times. I will no longer do this, because it hurts. One day very soon I hope I will no longer live in this area, and when that day comes, I hope wherever it is I go, people there are not like people here. If I didn't have school and a decently good paying job here, I would leave tomorrow. That's how awful Cincinnati is. Advice to anyone planning to move here...DON'T! Advice to anyone planning to move away from here....GET OUT NOW! You'll be glad you did. This place is depressing.

The unfortunate thing about the world, and people in general is that I've gone to many other places to visit, and all I find is much of the same things. Backstabbing, lies, deceit, and more. Why can't people just be good and nice? 

I'm done now. Just wanted to get that out for everyone to see. If you want to add something, just e-mail me.

-August 13, 2005- Nothing added

-August 12, 2005- I ordered an Apple iPod mini! I'm excited about this. I got the 6 Gig one. It will hold about 1,500 song files I'm so excited!!! It's blue and will be engraved on the back with Allen's iPod Clever isn't it. LOL. Shipping and engraving were free so that's always cool! Right now order tracking shows that my iPod is in Canada. I wonder why it's in Canada. That's strange. It's coming closer and closer...Joe's first day at the Dock! Everyone go!!! Please!!!

-August 11, 2005- CONGRATULATIONS TO JOE! Everyone I'll be at the Dock this, and hopefully every Monday to support my good buddy, DJ Joey Nicholson as he spins up today's hottest hits. LOL. All night long! I laugh at that because if you know anything about Joe, he will play anything but Top 40, but at the Dock, he's been asked to. HEHE. So get out there, and hang out with me!!! And others TBA lol. Anyway for questions contact me and I'll either answer them, or forward them to Mr. Joe. Good job Joe!

Visit the Dock online at 

I received very sad news last night around 10:30. My childhood employer; A&W and Taco Palace, formerly Taco Bell, closed its doors for the last time. I went up to "celebrate" the 'Wake' with them. A wake is when you celebrate someone's life when they die. So that's the end of an era. -Quick history. I started working there when I was 14 and, in all, stayed for 3 1/2 years with a short 6 month visit to Burger King. I've been doing advertising for them since I was 15. Haven't done any for practically this whole year. I'm very sad to see the place go, and offer Dave and Carla (the owners) the best of luck in the future, and my deepest apologies. One piece of good news came out of this, Josh Wood, the manager there for years and years who quit about 2 years ago or more...He's attempting to buy the place and re-open it! I hope he does. Cause I'd hate to see it go.

-August 9 & 10- Nothing added

-August 8, 2005- I just received my business license!!! My friend Brent and I are now general partners in the company, Results May Vary. It will be quite the company. Together we will be selling CD's and DVD's online at !!!CRAZY!!! low prices. Personally I will be running my interior design and advertising businesses. It's all one company with different sub titles.  Results May Vary; Interior Design, Entertainment, & Advertising and Design!!! WOOHOO! I'm very excited about this!

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