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Site last updated 09/15/2005

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Bernie does his stand-up routine on the Club Soleil Live stage.

"The Hard Rock Club is very tiring. They have tasty drinks too." (Sasha)

Drunk people singing karaoke! LOL (Ryan and Terry)

The pool table.

Can't remember her name, Bryson, Jason and me.

Bernie, Andy and Hard Rock Live.

Opal and John.

Allen behind the "new" bar and Terry sings karaoke on the new Hard Rock Live stage

Terry and April sing Karaoke and perform.

Tim, Jocob up top, Scott, Tim again, Kristina and Marie.


Jacob, me, Andy, Jason, and down below you see Bernie and Sasha.

Amanda and Brent.

Jason, drunk here.

Jacob, Bernie, Jason, Jacob and Bernie.

Adam, Allen and Brent. That's not me Allen. It's a different Allen. LOL.

Marie, me and Mark.

My dad and mom.


The other Allen again.

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